Thursday, March 21, 2013

Snoqualmie & Denny Creek Falls

Snoqualmie Falls on a Rainy Day
Wa, July 2012

Laura, Anna-Marie, Jeremy
Hotel on upper left, a lot of construction
going on at the top of the falls.

Anna-Marie, Jeremy, Laura

Snoqualmie Falls

A Beautiful Day for Waterfalls
Wa, July 2012

Denny Creek Falls
In Mt.Baker - Snoqualmie National Forest

Following Denny Creek up to the falls.  I was amazed at the
crystal clear water.  With cabins along the creek, what a
perfect vacation spot.

Jeremy, "Mr. Mucsle Man".  (Clifton you have some


Laura, high above Denny Creek.

"My Monkeys"
Jeremy, Anna-Marie, Laura

Sonja, first glimpse of Denny Creek Falls,
Unmarked falls, but I read up on it and found
it, on the trail up to Franklin Falls.

Denny Creek Falls,
to steep to get down to it.

Family Portrait

Family Portrait
By Anna-Marie
A "Thank You" to Jared for his great hospitality.
And a friendly hint, you don't have any family pictures in your apartment.
We think you should frame this.
Love you!!!